J thought that the fairy was not real, but it looks like he is a real person. Jonathan and MW start to talk about SJ’s fairy. She has to go sooth him because he has a bad temper. SJ and Johnathan’s dinner is at an end and SJ says that she has to leave to make her fairy happy. He starts to burn with rage and SN pulls PK away to keep from getting destroyed like a dummy. PK keeps talking about SJ loving this guy and hiding it from OG and OG lights a fire in his hands. First love is different, what if she fell in love with him? PK thinks this could be a problem. PK tells him that the human mind isn’t so easy. PK and SN thought OG would be angry after the kiss, but he is actually just happy and smitten. They think he is having some simple fun by himself. He is talking and chuckling to himself and PK and SN are looking at him concerned. The winter gods sister (SN) and PK are looking at OG. SJ – yeah, he came, but he is not on the pretty side. J – You always said that you had a fairy that would protect you, did he come here? J – A girl with a strange ability, it is a little fairytale story
#Nightmare teacher ep 8 recap movie#
J – The movie I am making today is about you, your story J – It is amazing that I met you again, it is like a movie Flashback of OG whispering in her ear…don’t spend a lot of time with him, just leave quickly. SJ smiles and starts to think about the kiss. SM – We can’t have wine because OG broke all the glasses. SJ – No, you were brave, no one talked to me, but you… J – I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I clearly remember her face. The scary ghost ajumma is there and she is singing and walking around. He tries to say something, but she covers his mouth. SJ pulls him into the house and puts out her umbrella to block them. He feels something weird and he doesn’t want to turn around. The boy is inside and has his drone, but he hears some strange sound and then accidentally steps on a picture frame with ahgi and omma.

SJ thinks that that scary woman is there. The drone falls behind a house and the kids tell him not to go inside because it is a dangerous house. She is sitting outside by herself and watching some other kids looking at a drone helicopter. HWAYUGI, A KOREAN ODYSSEY LIVE RECAP: EPISODE 8 *Lots of updates and additional translations below!* Jin Seon Mi,Sam Jang – SJ| Woo Hwi, Woo Mah Wang – MW | Son Oh Gong – OG | Jeo Pal Kye – PK | Sah Oh Jeong – OJ | Jin Boo Ja – Zombie or Z | Winter god – WG | Han Sun Nyeo (winter gods sister) – SN | Woo Mah Wang’s secretary – SM (sec-dog) | Jin Seon Mi’s secretary – Sec | Su Bo Ri Teacher – BR | Kang Dae Seong – DSĬountdown: UPDATING…today was fun, thank you for recapping with us! Also, there might be updates galore at the bottom (time permitting), so check back in! There will be typos, but we try to fix all those once the episode finishes airing. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later depending on the scene.

#Nightmare teacher ep 8 recap update#
How we do this: We update the post around every 10 minutes. MUSIC: The complete music list is right here. NEWSLETTER: Subscribe here for first dibs on our upcoming live recaps, translated interviews, and more! I know we have some backtracking coming in this episode, but can they just revel in that kiss for the first 5? I really thought my boy Oh-gong was just going to throw Jonathan out the window and that would be the end of him.